Save the children – not the charity

If ever a charity was needed to protect children from vaccination against Covid-19 it is now. Save the Children is not fit for purpose in this respect. Indeed its whole ethos is one of jab, jab, jab.

This is despite the fact that children rarely if ever suffer from COVID-19. They certainly do not die from it. They die from the vaccines though as families of these two babies learnt. In the US at least 12 children have already died from the vaccine including 3 babies, and child vaccination has not started in earnest.

As if the indignities chilldren have suffered from not being able to mix with their friends, being forced to wear masks, and lockdown nonsense from school closures, are not bad enough, measures to have them vaccinated are nothing short of criminal.

UKColumn meets Doctors for Covid Ethics (D4CE)

A consortium of international specialists: doctors, scientists, lawyers and others are speaking out against this attack on the innocent in a special symposium hosted by UKColumn. It is taking place this coming Thursday and Friday (29 – 30 July) from 5pm to 10 pm (UK time) in an event called “Immediate Intervention”. Experts in their respective fields from Doctors for Covid Ethics (D4CE) will bring the medical and scientific facts at that moment when the world needs them most.

Below is a snapshot of content, and some experts who you might find participating in the symposium. It is from an early draft and this might change. As soon as it is available All the Goss will provide the link. Please share this, especially with those who still believe in the propagated narrative.

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